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Day 192

192 days in of my 2021 365 day challenge to exercise outside every single day. Today, I biked 7.8 miles.

In January when I committed to this goal I was thinking I would walk every day about 3 miles. Once it warmed up I knew I wanted to expand the exercise choices and have been biking. Although over our camping trip I counted as exercise a 10 mile kayak on a slow river. Some days because of the business of parenting and working it was a challenge to walk all 3 miles at once, so I broke it up in to chunks of time. The most change I’ve experienced is over all more energy and better balanced moods. I also like having something I need to achieve in a day focusing on my health. Exercise helps my mind and body feel better and I love being outside. It’s been a wonderful goal and am looking forward to keeping up with my commitment.

Thank you to all the friends and family, far and wide across the world who have been cheering me on or sending me their own inspiration and walking or biking along with me! This has been the most fun of it all. I always enjoy an awesome shout out or word of encouragement. Let’s keep it up!

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